Tuesday, January 28, 2014



  1. I think we did good on pancake treat because we work together to finish but we could of gotten it out sooner.

    1. I agree with you Astin because I think in the end we did well and we all should great commitment but like you said we need to work quicker next time and use only and maybe less of the time that's given to us and stay on topic when we meet in a group.

    2. I agree with you Astin because I think in the end we did well and we all should great commitment but like you said we need to work quicker next time and use only and maybe less of the time that's given to us and stay on topic when we meet in a group.

  2. I think we did a good job at Pancake Treat Day because we were on task and focused for our role today and we also cooperated effectively, so that there were no big problems during the event. I also think we did a good job because the runners did a good job explaining to the people about how to treat the classroom, and also that the students followed the instrutions.

  3. I think this year, pancake treat day was successful because we were all focused on our assigned tasks and we worked effectively together as a group. We assisted each other when we needed to and I think the runners did a good job giving proper instructions to each class. In a short period of time coming in after the bell, we were able to quickly organize ourselves and everything.

  4. This year, I think our pancake treat day ran very smoothly! Something that I think as a let down to our team was not making it clear that we have a limit to pancakes.

  5. I think that pancake treat went very well because all the students in btc worked as a team. I think that pancake treat was a good way to raise money because the students who received the pancakes enjoyed then and it is a good way to raise money.
